IoT Connect — An Opportunity to Accelerate – Cisco Blogs

Over the past year, our partners and customers have been experiencing significant transformational changes in their businesses as well as in their personal lives. As the market has quickly evolved, our customers have moved faster and more aggressively towards automation, remote operations, and digitization so that they can deliver critical parts of their Business Resiliency plans.

At IoT Connect, we explored how we are continuing to lean into the new needs of the market and defining areas of opportunity, as well as areas of growth for our partners. You want solutions and conversations that increase customer relevance, and that can deliver an immediate and ongoing profitability impact, ultimately making a difference!

Drive your profitability with Industrial IoT

To begin capturing new incremental revenue, you can start by asking just a few simple questions to customers:

  • What are your largest, critical focus areas for the next 6-12 months?
  • What are your plans for securely connecting what you care about the most – your indoor and outdoor industrial assets?
  • What are your plans around Automation and Secure Remote Operations?

Not only can Cisco answer these questions with highly compelling solutions, but since Cisco’s IoT portfolio is built with the same foundation as the rest of Cisco’s Intent-Based Networking solutions, we can uncover and deliver value quickly with rapid deployment, and with unified management.

If you haven’t properly focused on Industrial Connectivity and Security to-date, now is the time! This is a $2B captive opportunity within your existing customer base – low hanging fruit, ready for the taking!

This focus can be defined by a 3-step process to win connectivity today and ensure your business is innovating for tomorrow:

  • Step 1: Capture incremental revenue by leveraging your existing IT relationships and networking skills to securely connect your customers’ outdoor environment and assets.
  • Step 2: Build your Industrial IoT practice by completing your IoT Specialization and learn about multiple use cases and repeatable sales plays for extending your customers’ networks even further – ultimately, increasing stickiness, relevancy, and profitability.
  • Step 3: Harness the power of your IoT practice and deliver business transformation for industry specific use cases by completing your IoT Advantage Specialization.

Beyond enablement, we have also designed three profitability programs to reward our partners for investing in their IoT practice development.

Front-End Profitability (IoT IGNITE): Partners completing IoT Specialization and IoT Advantage Specializations can take advantage of the IoT Ignite program discount which provides up to 63% upfront, and then can combine that with an additional 7% discount for competitive take outs/legacy products to receive a total of up to 70% discounts. See chart below:

  • Value-Incentive Program (VIP): Starting Q3FY21, IoT specialized partners will also be able to receive a back-end rebate through the VIP program.
  • Migration Incentive Program (MIP): Lastly, with the new Migration Incentive Program, all partners can receive an additional stackable discount for competitive take-outs or by refreshing legacy products Catalyst IE 3×00 or Catalyst IE 3400H.

Profitable growth - IoT Incentives

We find that IoT-led sales motions are key to engaging with line of business, and this leads to conversations and projects that pull through profitable services revenue.

If you are already focusing on IoT, there isn’t a better time to revisit your practice & strategies now, given the success and high demand we’re seeing, and especially given the quality and number of new innovations available from Cisco.


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